Monday, January 25, 2016

Prepping & Planning

**Forgot to post this...but I have dipped into my stash. Italian Wedding Soup is a new favorite. Sweet & Savory Salmon was met with mixed reviews, but I liked it a lot**

My Mom came up last weekend because I had this crazy notion I should make at least 50 different recipes and fill my freezer full of food to throw in the crockpot or oven.  The babies aren't due for about 4 more months and I've already decided I won't feel like cooking.  Mainly because I don't feel like cooking now.

We spent from 8am - 9pm with minimal breaks chopping, dicing, and throwing things in gallon ziplock bags.  I made Mom do any cooking required because I'm still a bit hit or miss on the smell of meat.  We chopped somewhere around 40 onions and my new mission in life is to figure out where in the heck my food processor went.  That would have been handy. Also it probably would have prevented me from trying to cut my finger off....maybe.

I took the next few days off after she left.  We didn't get through all the recipes but most of them.  I whipped out 3 more meals this morning and when the crockpot has finished its job tonight I will have a couple more to go.  The big question of the day is to move to housework and laundry or start meatballs and stuffed peppers? Or, with my disdain of cooking unless I feel like it will I actually make supper on a regular basis or steal from my "after the babies are born" stash?  Quality control is important after all.

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