Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Welcome to the Family Tess

The puppy has been a good fit with our family.  She does run the risk of being loved to death, but so far so good. We agreed that I will continue getting up at night with our human babies, and that my husband gets puppy duty.  Which I am personally loving. Though she will move to being a full time outdoor doggo as she gets bigger and we get a doghouse made.

The girls and I went and picked her up on Saturday afternoon, and then stopped by the farm on the way home to meet the men of the family.  So many smiles has me wondering if we shouldn't have gotten a dog sooner.  Dreams came true Saturday for 5 children (and their father).

She wasn't actually named until Sunday afternoon and it may have been more painful than picking out names for our children. We settled on the name Tessie though so far it has already been shortened to Tess. 

There has been no shortage of snuggling and the amount of time the kiddos are willing to spend outside on hot days without water fights and fistfuls of Popsicles has increased dramatically.  Instead of rushing through chores to earn screen time, we are rushing through chores to get more time with the doggo.

Gracers says "Pup Cute! Tess Cute!"

She prefers old sneakers to her chew toys.

Welcome to the family Tess.

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