Friday, February 23, 2018


So my life has come to taking pictures on my phone of Battleship layouts for proof of cheating/not cheating while my boys play boardgames.

Almost immediately Bug was accusing the Big D of cheating and requested me to observe. I gave a reminder to not cheat and enjoy playing. Walking by after using the bathroom I couldn't help but notice the child throwing out multiple cheating accusations had completely rearranged his navy, whilst the child being accused of rearranging had his ships in the same spot. If the accusee did cheat, which I don't put past him, he was subtle and only moved by a column.

Bug was informed that for cheating he automatically lost the game. Bug was upset that his argument didn't change his mother's opinion. "I thought he was cheating so I moved my boats too". Round 2, placements documented...and the Big D only puts hits on his board, because "really the misses don't matter". He however does not find it fair that if he guesses the same combination twice his brother says he loses his turn.

Battleship, intense battles that show the moral shortcomings of childhood.

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