Friday, October 26, 2012

Care Package...I Lost Count

I have been slacking on the Care Packages...on sending actual packages, but more so not doing any posts on the ones I have sent.  I don't know what number I am actually on anymore.

The idea of at least one a week went away because the Hubby didn't want anything.  He also doesn't want something sent just for the sake a sending anything.  His general requests he still had a good stockpile going, so I'm assuming the FOB he is on has a pretty well stocked PX. Either that or I went overboard on the quantity on the supplies I did send.

On the agenda for the Holidays though I am going to go ahead and let Pinterest inspire me for some projects.  Some art from the boys and lots of handwritten letters to fill his You are loved binder.

Last week I sent out two packages.

Halloween Care Package: 

  • Goodies Bags with Candy that shouldn't melt for all of the Hubby's roommates
  • A Trick or Treat Basket filled with Candy for the Hubby
  • (The Toddler wanted to send pumpkins...but I vetoed that addition)
  • Dice and a Halloween Strobe light

General Hygiene Care Package
  • Shaving Cream (Hubby's fav brand)
  • Baby wipes
  • Cu-tips
  • Whitening Floss Picks
  • Magazines that came in the mail.

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